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Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Young, Adrienne
Verfasserangabe: Adrienne Young
Jahr: December 2020
Mediengruppe: B.Bell.Jug/L.ragazzi


Zweigstelle: Gymnasium Bozen Standorte: Youn Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


As the daughter of the most powerful trader in the Narrows, the sea is the only home seventeen-year-old Fable has ever known. It’s been four years since the night she watched her mother drown during an unforgiving storm. The next day her father abandoned her on a legendary island filled with thieves and little food. To survive she must keep to herself, learn to trust no one and rely on the unique skills her mother taught her. The only thing that keeps her going is the goal of getting off the island, finding her father and demanding her rightful place beside him and his crew. To do so Fable enlists the help of a young trader named West to get her off the island and across the Narrows to her father.
But her father’s rivalries and the dangers of his trading enterprise have only multiplied since she last saw him and Fable soon finds that West isn't who he seems. Together, they will have to survive more than the treacherous storms that haunt the Narrows if they're going to stay alive.


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verlag: London, Titan Books
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Suche nach dieser Systematik
Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis Fantasy
ISBN: 978-1-7890-9455-8
Beschreibung: 343 pages
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Sprache: englisch