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They shall not grow old

bloody injury detail, images of real dead bodies: suitable only for persons of 15 years and over
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Verfasserangabe: directed and produced by Peter Jackson ; music by David Donaldson, Janet Roddick & Steve Roche
Jahr: [2018]
Mediengruppe: DVD Sach/Sagg.adulti


Zweigstelle: Gymnasium Bozen Standorte: Ge 4.1.1 Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


"Marking the centenary of the First World War, the internationally renowned director Peter Jackson ('The hobbit' and 'The lord of the rings' trilogies) uses the voices of the veterans combined with original archival footage to bring to life the reality of war on the front line for a whole new generation. Footage has been colourised and transformed with modern production techniques to present never before seen detail." - Cover Rückseite


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Verlag: [Großbritannien], Warner Bros. Home Entertainment GmbH
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik Ge 4.1.1
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Altersfreigabe: 16
ISBN: 505-1-89222-072-9
Beschreibung: 1 DVD (ca. 95 Min)
Schlagwörter: DVD, Soldat, Sterben, Weltkrieg <1914-1918>, Westfront, Erster Weltkrieg, Legionär, Soldaten, Sterbeprozess
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Sprache: englisch
Fußnote: Audio 5.1 Dolby Digital ; Languages: English ; Hearing Impaired: English ; Subtitles: English