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Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Gurnah, Abdulrazak
Verfasserangabe: Abdulrazak Gurnah
Jahr: 2021
Mediengruppe: B.Bell.Erw/


Zweigstelle: Gymnasium Bozen Standorte: Gurn Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


While he was still a little boy, Ilyas was stolen from his parents by the German colonial troops. After years away, fighting in a war against his own people, he returns to his village to find his parents gone, and his sister Afiya given away.
Another young man returns at the same time. Hamza was not stolen for the war, but sold into it; he has grown up at the right hand of an officer whose protection has marked him life. With nothing but the clothes on his back, he seeks only work and security – and the love of the beautiful Afiya.
As fate knots these young people together, as they live and work and fall in love, the shadow of a new war on another continent lengthens and darkens, ready to snatch them up and carry them away…


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verlag: London, Bloomsbury Publishing
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Suche nach dieser Systematik
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 978-1-526-61589-3
Beschreibung: 275 pages
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: englisch